Blazonco CEO Michael Sterner gives a talk on the "Internet of Things". What follows are notes from the slides.
What does it mean?
- Connectng the physical world to the internet is just getting started
- The planet and everything on it will be interconnected
- Future: Every person will be surrounded by 3-5k connected "things" everyday
What "things"
- Goods
- Objects
- Machines
- Appliances
- Buildings
- Homes
- Vehicles
- Products
- Animals
- People
- Plants
- Soil
- Water Energy
The "Internet of Things" is growing at a breathtaking pace
- 2 billion objects in 2006
- 15 billion objects by 2015
- 200 billion objects by 2020
Where the wireless things are
- 40.2% - Business/Manufacturing - Real-time analytics of supply chan and equipment, Robotic machinery
- 30.3% - Health Care - Portable health monitoring, electronic recordkeeping, pharmaceutical safeguards
- 8.3% - Retail - Inventory tracking, smartphone purchasing, anonymous analytics of conumer choices
- 7.7% - Security - Biometric and facial recognition, remote sensor
- 4.1% - Transportation - Self-parking cars, GPS locators, performace tracking
The spectrum of smart stuff
- Tiny stuff: Computers smaller than a grain of sand can be sprayed or injected almost anywhere — to measure chemicals in the soil, or to diagnose problems in the human body.
- Enormous stuff: Fixed and mobile sensors dispersed throughout the city of Dublin are already creating a real-time picture of what's happening and wil help the city react quickly in times of crisis.
- Identity for everything (We use an IP address now): IPV6 = 340,282,366,920,938,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 unique IP addresses
- The Chair example: Is it occupied? Who is in it? How are they? Fat, skinny, heart rate, happy, drunk, sad?
- A completely new way of interacting with the world, and it interacting with you!
What will we do with it?
- Monitor things: Health or Electricty/Fuel (Someday the "Grid" will decide when to run appliances)
- Search for things: Where's my keys? Where's my child? Where is my restaurant order (what temperature is it)?
- Better manage resources: Natural (water, food, energy, people, health) and Time (traffic, work, play, family)
- The Health example: "I'm having a heart attack"
- Alert: "An ambulance is on it's way to your location"
- Ad: "Did you know Heprin prevents heart attacks?"
- Notice: "Your health insurance premiums are going up"
Complexity (Too much?)
- For some, yes
- But not likely for our children
- Every generation will just be used to it
- Scary stuff: Great job security to protect personal data while opening up the data for the greater good
- Terrorism
- Hacking: pacemakers, insulin pump, road signs, smart meters, WOMD
- It is for the common good
- It will change our lives
- Can't leave it to engineers: We need human and social scientists involved
- What would you use it for?
- How will it affect marketing?